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马丁Martin音孔标志为啥不怎么写MADE IN USA呢?

赛平 / 2015-07-19
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 通常我们看马丁美产吉他的音孔只会看到一个C.F.Martin.CO的LOGO的镂刻,然后下面会写:NAZARETH.PA ,有时候也会写Made in USA。也许有朋友就很奇怪,怎么有的写有的不写呢??这也许要追溯下马丁的历史,1833年德国后裔Christian Fredrick Martin浪迹到美国开始马丁美产吉他的制作 ,最后大本营位于美国宾西法尼亚洲(简称PA)的NAZARETH(拿撒勒)的德国后裔区,也就是我们音孔看到的 NAZARETH PA. 可能德国后裔比较认同当地的德系文化,所以写NAZARETH PA.就可以代表马丁的产地了。我估计心情好点就打上MADE IN USA吧@.@

     不像美国本土品牌GIBSON只要美产统统的大大的印个大LOGO:MADE IN USA!



匿名用户: 给出 评分 ( 2017-01-15 01:00:15 )
英文大意是美国加利福尼亚州法院颁布法令,能标记made in usa的产品的所有原材料都必须来自美国50个州本土,于是,为了明哲保身,只保留了拿撒勒,哎
你好,有时候有 有时候没有,但是Nazreth PA 本身就是 宾夕法尼亚州 拿撒勒地区的意思,这已经具体到了 美国哪个州哪个市,所以有的不写 MADE IN USA
匿名用户: 给出 评分 ( 2017-01-15 00:58:04 )
PENNSYLVANIA'S OFFICIAL TOURISM WEBSITE lists the Martin Guitar factory in Nazareth as a "must see" destination, encouraging visitors to "experience the intrigue and excitement as highly skilled craftspeople transform wood into music." Watching firsthand the complex process that turns rough lumber into beautiful guitars, the thousands who visit each year leave with a deep appreciation of the instrument maker's art. An exceptional factory, a manufacturing tradition dating back to 1833, and credit for creating the modern flat top acoustic guitar are reasons Martin is a genuine American institution. Yet, as of this year, the company no longer labels the guitars that leave its Nazareth plant as "Made In USA." A reasonable person might ask, "how is this possible?" The answer lies with a poorly drafted California statute and the aggressive lawyers who exploit it.
California's Unfair Competition statute states that for an item to be designated "Made in the USA," "any article, unit, or part thereof," has to be "entirely or substantially made, manufactured, or produced" in the U.S. The California Supreme Court has interpreted this rule to mean that a "Made in the USA" designation requires that 100% of every piece of every part in a product must be made in one of the 50 states. Martin guitars, despite the labors of 600 craftspeople in Nazareth, don't make the cut because they incorporate imported woods, Asian and European built tuners, and synthetic nuts and saddles from Canada.
The California statute has been on the books since 1961, but until recently, Martin shipped "Made in the USA" guitars into the state without incident. State regulators apparently were willing to apply a more lax "reasonable person" standard in assessing country of origin. Not so local trial lawyers. In 2006, they mounted a class action suit against Leatherman Inc., alleging "deceptive and fraudulent advertising," because the company had labeled its hand tools "Made in the USA" although some component parts were imported. Leatherman was hit with a $13.0 million judgment, although it was later reduced on appeal. In 2012, Lifetime, a maker of basketball hoops and backboards, faced a similar legal assault. They settled for $485,000 and paid another $325,000 to a designated charity after burning through $500,000 in legal fees. No one disputed that their hoops and backboards were produced at a Utah factory: their crime was using some bolts and washers imported from Asia.
Faced with legal risks of this magnitude, Martin CEO Chris Martin took the prudent course, and earlier this year, replaced the "Made in the U.S.A." designation with "Crafted in Nazareth from components sourced from around the world." Martin's standing with guitarists worldwide, which rests on 182 years of quality production, won't suffer because of a labeling change. The instruments that have delighted generations remain much the same. Yet, the change is galling to a proud organization that has been an integral part of America's musical culture. It's like asking an artist to remove his signature from his painting. It also stands as a potent argument in favor of tort reform. Is there really a large contingent of Martin customers who claim injury because their guitars contained a few bits of imported plastic and metal? If so, we'd like to meet them. While we're waiting for them to gather, we conclude by noting that this costly absurdity erodes faith in our governing institutions.
你好,有时候有 有时候没有,但是Nazreth PA 本身就是 宾夕法尼亚州 拿撒勒地区的意思,这已经具体到了 美国哪个州哪个市,所以有的不写 MADE IN USA
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